Pointers in BPF program

5 minute read


In BPF program, there is a type for each register, which changes and is checked by the verification. If instruction is BPF_MOV64_REG(BPF_REG_1, BPF_REG_5), then type of R5 is copied to R1.

All register are 64-bit.

  • R0 return register
  • R[1-5] argument passing registers
  • R[6-9] callee saved registers
  • R10 frame pointer (read-only)

At the start of BPF program, R1 contains a pointer to bpf_context and has type PTR_TO_CTX.

eBPF pointer type list



Tracking of SCALAR_VALUE consists of two parts, range and tristate number. While the former tracks the range of one scalar registers, the latter tracks how much knowledge does the verifier has over each bit of that register.

Range tracking

bpf_reg_state constains the following fields.

  • s64 smin_value: minimum possible (s64)value
  • s64 smax_value: maximum possible (s64)value
  • u64 umin_value: minimum possible (u64)value
  • u64 umax_value: maximum possible (u64)value
  • s32 s32_min_value: minimum possible (s32)value
  • s32 s32_max_value: maximum possible (s32)value
  • u32 u32_min_value: minimum possible (u32)value
  • u32 u32_max_value: maximum possible (u32)value

These range values is updated through verification process. Depending on the type of operands, these values are used in different ways.

In pointer += K, where an offset scalar is added to a pointer.

If the offset is known (a.k.a. without any unknown bit), then dst_reg directly inherits all range values of src_reg with a new offset ptr_reg + off_reg->smin_val.

If the offset has any unknown bit, it goes through a deduction process.

  1. If either signed or unsigned addition overflows, saturates it.
  2. Deduce new values if it doesn’t overflows.
  3. Deduce new tnum through tnum_add(ptr_reg->var_off, off_reg->var_off).
  4. Inherits whatever is left in ptr_reg.

When the pointer is used in memory access, only the smin_value is used, which is smin_value + off.

Remark I Only BPF_ADD and BPF_SUB is allowed between pointer and scalar.

Remark II tnum are used to update these values in __update_reg<bits>_bounds.

Tristate number tracking

This paper introduces a way of tracking info using tristate numbers in Linux, which has already been merged into the kernel.

Tristate numbers are implemented in Linux in the following way.

struct tnum {
  u64 value;
  u64 mask;

These contain the following meanings.

\[\begin{align} (P.v[k]=0\wedge P.m[k]=0)&\triangleq P[k]=0 \\ (P.v[k]=1\wedge P.m[k]=0)&\triangleq P[k]=1 \\ (P.v[k]=0\wedge P.m[k]=1)&\triangleq P[k]=\mu \end{align}\]

This implementation of tristate number enables the verifier to perform abstract interpretation of arithmetic operations. Here is an example of tnum_add(tnum a, tnum b) inside Linux kernel.

struct tnum tnum_add(struct tnum a, struct tnum b)
  u64 sm, sv, sigma, chi, mu;

  sm = a.mask + b.mask;
  sv = a.value + b.value;
  sigma = sm + sv;
  chi = sigma ^ sv;
  mu = chi | a.mask | b.mask;
  return TNUM(sv & ~mu, mu);

About why this works, please refer to the original paper or the following part. Essentially, this is about the set ${p+q | p\in \gamma(P) \wedge q\in \gamma(Q)}$.

Remark III These tnum are used to update bounds like smin_value only in __update_reg_bounds.

Memory access tracking

The following applies to


As BPF program does not support global variable, all shared accesses are via struct bpf_context. However, the check is complicated since it depends on the program type. Basically, it will go through the following steps.

  • check_mem_access() checks if it is leaking pointers (W & is_ptr) and off is positive, fixed and known.
  • check_ctx_access() mark this access if it can be transformed into a narrower context access.
  • env->ops->is_valid_access() makes sure it is a valid access in range (depending on type) if exists.

Here is an example of sk_filter_is_valid_access

static bool sk_filter_is_valid_access(int off, int size,
              enum bpf_access_type type,
              const struct bpf_prog *prog,
              struct bpf_insn_access_aux *info)
  switch (off) {
  case bpf_ctx_range(struct __sk_buff, tc_classid):
  case bpf_ctx_range(struct __sk_buff, data):
  case bpf_ctx_range(struct __sk_buff, data_meta):
  case bpf_ctx_range(struct __sk_buff, data_end):
  case bpf_ctx_range_till(struct __sk_buff, family, local_port):
  case bpf_ctx_range(struct __sk_buff, tstamp):
  case bpf_ctx_range(struct __sk_buff, wire_len):
  case bpf_ctx_range(struct __sk_buff, hwtstamp):
    return false;

  if (type == BPF_WRITE) {
    switch (off) {
    case bpf_ctx_range_till(struct __sk_buff, cb[0], cb[4]):
      return false;

  return bpf_skb_is_valid_access(off, size, type, prog, info);

Similar checks is performed to PTR_TO_MEM with check_mem_region_access() and __check_mem_access.

With PTR_TO_STACK, the verifier checks if it’s inbound with check_stack_access_within_bounds and then update_stack_depth. A special case here is that helper function may also access stack, this is checked by check_helper_mem_access when a helper call occurs.

As for PTR_TO_MAP_KEY, it is checked via check_mem_region_access() and write to it is forbidden.

Remark IV All above types and PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE is checked by check_mem_access().

Map access tracking

check_mem_access is still in charge of checking PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE. Just with a few additional steps.

  • check_mem_access() checks if it is leaking pointers (W & is_ptr) and access types.
  • check_map_access_type() checks if this access is allowed (R/W).
  • check_map_access() checks if there exists spinlock or timer (both are forbidden via direct access)
  • If this access is read-only and the pointer is known (indicated by tnum), then this register is marked as a known SCALAR_VALUE.
  • Otherwise, it is tracked as an unknown register.

Remark V CONST_MAP_PTR is the pointer to the map structure, it may only be loaded via BPF_LD with a non-standard 64-bit immediate. It is used in functions like bpf_map_lookup_elem() as its arguments to retrieve map element.